Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Its apparent with the rise to power of the far left, led by mesianic leader Barack Obama, George Orwell's book 1984 seems quite prophetic. It seems his time table was slightly off but his message right on. As the most holy one prepares his administration to ascend to power little is left for the imagination. To listen to the media and his mindless followers one would think we are returning back to the early 60's and the days of camelot.
Who is this man who would be king,this man Barack Obama? It seems of late the media itself
has been asking this question,as have many.Its a little late for all this analysis,the coronation is set in stone.Unfortunately,the media rather than covering the campaign fairly and researching the candidates appropriately, chose to join the mesiahs cool-aide drinking followers.

Kosta G. Karvounis

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