Thursday, April 2, 2009

Whatever Happened To Representative Government?

Did you ever wonder when politicians stopped representing us as an electorate and decided to become free thinkers putting forth their own personal agendas? Did you ever find yourself saying who the hell is he representing? It's surely not me! Somehow in the two hundred and twenty two years since the ratification of the constitution something has changed. The basic tenants the founding fathers laid down to guide our country are now obscured in revisionist history,liberal constitutional interpretation, special interest and political corruption. The constitutional framers saw our country as a country of the people by the people and for the people. Not a massive governmental super structure which treads on individual states rights. The founding fathers were only a generation removed from the tyranny of the English monarchy. They used that experience when they put together our "Declaration of Independence" and later our constitution. However, it's quite apparent the years that have passed since then have created an abyss between their intention and our interpretation. Liberal scholars see the Constitution as a document no longer relative in contemporary society. A document which can be interpreted in many ways, and even open to change(as evidenced by liberal judicial rulings) and even re-writing. I see the constitution as a living, breathing document, however, not open to change and mis-interpretation. It lives and breathes in the fact that it's as relevant now as it was before. The constitution was even fore-sighted enough to allow for amendments to be added to it as society grew and evolved. These amendments don't change the basic tenants put forth by the constitution, they add to it.
Unfortunately, this centralizing of government over the years(especially of late) has taken away our representation. Our politicians rely on lobbyist's, nationally based political parties and special interest groups for their survival. Representing the people in their districts or states is secondary. Furthermore, the electorate for the most part is at best apathetic and at worst ignorant. Until a majority of the people wake up and realize where this country is headed our personal freedoms and rights will continue to be usurped. Hopefully, it won't take another 9-11 to awake the sleeping.

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